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Wash 101

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

 We start the day with a shampoo, so why not start off the year with a great shampoo (tip)???

A recurring question I often get from my clients in the salon is "Why do you always do 2 shampoos?"

Well, let me ask you something...

Do you often find your hair oily, even on the same day you washed it ?

Do you find your ends often feel coated but also dry? Yet you do treatments and use leave in conditioners, but it still

Well, sometimes the solution may be as simple as revisiting how to properly wash your hair. I KNOW, I KNOW!!  You've been doing it your whole entire life! But, has anyone actually ever told you HOW to? 

I swear it can make the world of a difference! Not everything needs a miracle product. So to start the new year off right, I suggest taking it back to the basics! 

Step 1: The Shampoo

Now, you should always be using a shampoo that's the same *PH as your hair which is about 4.5. In the salon, we use Color Freeze shampoo and conditioner made by Schwarzkopf. This will help to keep your cuticle closed and prevent your hair from drying out which in turn helps to keep your colour from fading .

So how much shampoo do you really need? 1 pump is generally enough shampoo...just because you use more doesn't necessarily mean it cleans more. I use a drop about the size of a loonie. Now, I shampoo.  I scrub, but not too aggressively, and all over ! Don't forget the back of your head ladies! Then, rinse.

Step 2 : Shampoo Again!

The first shampoo usually removes all the products and stuff that's on your hair. The second shampoo is usually where it does the deep clean of your hair and scalp. This time around, you will feel all the bubbles; that's good! When your hair is lathering that means it's clean. Now if you're the type to use a lot of product like myself, or if you only do a wash once or twice a week, your second shampoo may not lather...if that's the case, do a third!

Step 3: The Conditioner

Again, a little gets you a long way! I often find we always put everything at the top of our head, but our bodies create natural oils, so when it comes to the conditioner I find it best to apply on mid length to the ends of your hair and then gradually massage it through all over; shampoo your scalp, condition your ends. Then we rinse! I CANNOT stress enough about how important it is to properly rinse your hair!  If you think you have done a full, proper rinse, add on another 30 seconds. I can almost guarantee you need it! I know...we're all guilty of being in a rush! Like, who has time to rinse out their hair for ONE full minute?? But your hair needs it. Especially if its long; the water is running down but the product just collects on the ends of your hair. In the long run this will create an accumulation and build-up of product which can clog the cuticle and prevent it from closing, and that's what causes the weird coated/dry feeling.

So there it is ladies!! Try these simple steps and I promise you, you will feel a difference in your hair. It doesn't solve everything, some of us do need a lil' extra, but sometimes all we need is a good hair wash! 

I hope this helped to clarify a few things on something so simple that you've been doing forever! Don't be shy and let us know how it worked for you! 

If you have any other questions about hair, products or styling, ask away. We love to help and would be more than happy to share our thoughts.

From your stylists who care 💚

*PH, which stands for Potential Hydrogen, comes from the PH scale ranging from 0-14 which measures acidity or alkalinity. Normal hair has the PH of 4.5-5.5, therefore a PH balancing shampoo has the PH of around 4.5. Hair with higher PH means the cuticle is raised which may cause moisture, protein and colour to slip out of the hair.

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